Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our Garden

After a long year without, it's a good feeling to have a garden again. It's tiny. And it will never be in full sun all day. But we'll see what we get.
There are two rows of tomato (3 types), a row of swiss chard, a row of brussels sprouts, some radishes, and a single eggplant plant. I also have some herbs in a container by the kitchen door. I know they'll do well.
The big question is: How much of my garden will I have to share with the deer, the bunnies and everything else out here?
We'll see!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Recycled Church

Wow! I love it! This old empty church in the neighborhood has new life as an Irish pub.
Gorgeous through and through.
Here are the irish blessings seen on faux stained glass windows. Well done!
I wish I had bought that building first!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Logan's Got Game!

We're happy to report that Logan is a pretty good player and he's only had two games so far. We had three games altogether this weekend. Logan played first - and it was a 42 degree morning up on the hill in the wind. They were great little soccer players - the mud was flying! Then it warmed up into the 70s for Sydney's game.

Sunday was the warmest so far & we had a lovely sunny day in which to take in some more soccer. Here is the whole team lined up:

Take a look at that poor child on the end with his shirt pulled up over his guessed it, that's our boy.
Even Charlie wants in on the action. Very soon, young man.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Project o' the weekend

For some reason, we think that this beast just might work with a little TLC. Chase has started taking it apart and we seem to be pretty lucky so far. He's been able to fix the leaks he's found so far.
It's not the lovliest hot tub, but if it holds water and actuall gets hot...we can be friends.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Logan is happily lending his older brother expertise on the potty training front.
Charlie's doing his best. That black eye...not from a kerfuffle, just that 2x8 we call a swing.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Soccer has started

Soccer has started and that means spring is here.  Logan has his first game next weekend and we're excited to see what a player he'll turn out to be, too.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Love your trees

Ok, first this quote from my sister:

"One child in disposable diapers will require 20 trees, 420 gallons of petroleum and generate one ton of garbage. Single-use diapers represent between 2% to 4% of solid waste in our nation's landfills and the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from landfills are major contributors to Global Warming. It takes up to 500 years for a single-use diaper to decompose. That means every disposable diaper ever made is still in a landfill somewhere!"
That hurts, it really does. I know I have used my share of disposable diapers. If I had it to do over, would I do it differently? I like to think I would. I'm so glad that she's starting off on the right foot. She will put the environment & her kids tushy first! Great job, girl!

And then here's an earth-shattering mind-blowing image that might make you think about your commute:

photo credit: Flickr - Weisheng

The amount of space used to transport one person by car, by bus, and by bike. Explains a lot, doesn't it?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Breakfast Club

Good morning, world!