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Saturday, December 12, 2009
Gingerbread Awesomeness
Our first Gingerbread house. It was a real challenge, but it's finished! Yum.
Monday, November 2, 2009
I Love Fish
I'm too disturbed to sit still and not talk about this anymore. It's a real problem in my household and I won't act like I don't know about it anymore. Fish consumption. More specifically - over-consumption. I Love Fish. I really do love fish - we have fish in our diets weekly. And most often, it's the stuff from the warehouse club that I can buy a ton of & keep in the freezer. Recently, it's been Tilapia. Now, Tilapia is Eco-OK list. There are three catagories...
We received our seafood selector pocket card at the sea lion exhibit at the zoo. They're easy to come by, and there are places you can print your own. Please do.

Back to the rant.
Our over-consumption of fish is a real thing. The orange roughy is a fish that matures after 30 years and lives to be 120! It's like clear-cutting an old-wood forest. They don't just grow back! It's a great example of the problem, but there are hundreds more like them.
And be aware of the 'new' fish that are showing up in the freezer section. These names are just to make the Slimehead Fish (Orange Roughy's original name) more appealing.
To this day, I know people that think that the ocean is an un-depletable cornucopia of sea life. And the trouble is, it was...until the 80s. And the way we fish now - very accurate, but not surgical, is exactly like clear-cutting forests. It kills everything in it's path. You've gone from jungle to plowed field in one pass of a boat. The nets are capable of fishing MILES below the surface. Does this sound in any way romantic? Not a man and a boat anymore.
We have to - as consumers- make smarter choices. Enjoy your Alaskan Sablefish, relish your U.S. Farmed Tilapia - but be aware - and tell your loved ones.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
At the zoo
This photo is just too cool not to share. Sydney and this large lioness had a moment on their class field trip. The weather was crisp, but most of the animals loved it. Gorgeous.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The 60th Birthday Ta Da

A surprise party for my mom? Are you crazy? She cannot be surprised, she knows too much about too much. Well, we tried anyway. The surprise was that tons and tons of mom's friends and relatives came to party with us. I had 7 of them staying at our place! It was intensely lovely. I had so much fun seeing everyone & being steeped in family for the weekend.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Maggie in da house!
Margaret Adele is sharing her time with us in kansas city. Even though the weather has been dreary. It's fun!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Soccer Star
Logan is playing on the new fields at the Overland Park Soccer Complex. It's very nice and Logan's loving it.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Timberlake - Day 4
Last night was cook-out night at Camp Timberlake. It is a night that we go to our cabin and fire ring and we are there all night building the fire, cooking dinner and s'mores, and playing games. I think the s'mores part was the favorite.

And that was the last night. I'm grateful to have been able to get to know this fun group of girls. It's not often that I get to duck out of my life for a week to be with my daughter. Sydney loved it, too.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Camp Timberlake: Day 2
Troop 2B has been very busy at Camp Timberlake. Everyday they learn new, useful things. Yesterday, they erected their own emergency shelter using 2 trees, a rope, a tarp, and some rocks. Behold:

The shelter could hold almost the entire unit. Way to go, girl scouts!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Three Monkeys in a Tree
We had a lovely Saturday evening at the park. We needed to burn off a little more energy at the end of the day - and the weather was perfect - why not?

And these guys decided to all find a high perch in this tree. I think this may be the start of their love of tree-climbing.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Charlie's 4th Birthday
Charlie's 4. I just can't believe it.
We had a family dinner together last night (pancakes, that's what the birthday boy chose), then we went to see the movie UP.
It's a great movie, I can recommend it for any age. But curiously, Charlie would have rather been home watching the movie on our TV. And it's not a super-huge TV with crazy blow-you-hair-out audio sound. It's just a 'regular' TV. But if you compare the picture I watched in my living room when I was a kid to the picture that our children today get to enjoy...they're worlds apart.
It does make you wonder if going to the movies may be losing it's charm. For me, certainly not. It's always an event to go OUT to see a movie. But for my four year old, he can't quite see the draw, yet.
So, now the joy of the movies must be taught?
We had a family dinner together last night (pancakes, that's what the birthday boy chose), then we went to see the movie UP.
It's a great movie, I can recommend it for any age. But curiously, Charlie would have rather been home watching the movie on our TV. And it's not a super-huge TV with crazy blow-you-hair-out audio sound. It's just a 'regular' TV. But if you compare the picture I watched in my living room when I was a kid to the picture that our children today get to enjoy...they're worlds apart.
It does make you wonder if going to the movies may be losing it's charm. For me, certainly not. It's always an event to go OUT to see a movie. But for my four year old, he can't quite see the draw, yet.
So, now the joy of the movies must be taught?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Bursting with Spring
April was wet, windy, cold and altogether unpleasant - but it's done it's job and now we're headed straight on to summer. The garden is started. I had help from these guys, believe it or not. Seriously. I was lucky to catch this image. They concentrated on digging and making dirt structures mostly, but it was helpful and fun.

In this picture - Charlie, Alec, and Owen. Logan was away with dad all day at a chili cookoff at the union hall or he would have been there, too.
There's much more progress to show, but that will have to wait. Thank you May for all the flowers!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Kristi's non-bachelorette party
Girls night! We're taking the bride to be out for a little pottery action! Yep, pottery! Then later, we'll be back at the house for some fun...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ha Ha Tonka
Silly name. Seriously awesome state park. We further tested the kids' hiking abilities. They did really well. The day started out gloomy and rainy, but luckily the afternoon was mostly clear. We had to see the beautiful 'castle' ruins and then we did the Spring trail. There were some strenuous parts, but we made it. Even Charlie and his little legs. He might have had a couple of piggy back rides... Great fun, we'll do some real camping this summer, fo' sho'!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Bridal Cave
We're at the lake of the Ozarks for the weekend. It's Spring Break back up in the city...so we're off for some fun. We went to Bridal Cave today, the kids' first cave adventure. I had the most fun, I think, but we all survived. Great cave, too! We went for a hike afterwards above and discovered Bear Rock Beach. Well, that's an unofficial name. We saw bear scat and lots of freshly eaten freshwater mussels. It really looked like a place the bears would rock. We're back in the comfy condo for the weekend, just taking it easy. We'll go see Ha Ha Tonka tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Time in New Ulm
It really isn't easy to talk about, but the time in New Ulm was really something special. The boys and I travelled the long distance alone to be with the people we care about in their time of need. We weren't the only ones to make the pilgrimage, so many special people were there for us. Everyone, really. It was tough. It was lovely. I don't regret a thing.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Who doesn't love to fly a kite?
We got out in the beautiful weather today to go to the park. The boys wanted to go to our "old" park. So we did. And we took Logan's new kite. What a perfect kite day!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Cracker Barrel in OK
We love the Cracker Barrel. Who doesn't? Breakfast at alll hours, coffee that's completely civilized, and a friendly face to carry it. Sydney especially likes the game on the tables - and the Stewart's rootbeer.
We'll be home shortly. It was a whirlwind trip, but a super great adventure. Loved it! Pictures to come soon of course.
We'll be home shortly. It was a whirlwind trip, but a super great adventure. Loved it! Pictures to come soon of course.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Crazy thing is...this is real.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Logan in Karate
I finally got to attend a class. It's actually Bushidokan, not karate. And wow. It's going to really affect him. He is also having fun!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Backsplash has begun
It's been an especially long time coming. The first course of tile is up on the backsplash in the kitchen. This is the Ecotech recycled tile that we finally decided on. Le gorgeous! It's difficult to visualize, but it should be done by the end of the week!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Logan's Karate Class
I don't have a picture for this one (YET) but I will soon. But I thought I would add a post about Logan's Karate class. Chase went with him the first night & will again tonight and I heard all about it. I think maybe Chase was more impressed than Logan. Chase is planning on signing himself up - for real. Anyway.... Logan will be attending this class for a month. The primary focus is of course self-discipline. They even taught them how to sneeze correctly and into the crook of their elbow. I know! I'm all over this one! Logan will get a Gi (pronounced ghee) when Chase feels like he's earned it.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Sydney's first gymnastics class! Charlie's gym class is tomorrow. She is getting to sample everything in this entry-level course. If she likes it, we'll keep it up. She's pretty excited...she grinned the whole time!
Friday, January 2, 2009
We're having a great time in Tyler with all the Mosers. This is Charlie and Kyra having lots of fun with each other. They're a month apart and quite adorable to watch. Every kid has a cousin of equal age it seems...it's so fun! We're traveling back to KS tomorrow.
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