"One child in disposable diapers will require 20 trees, 420 gallons of petroleum and generate one ton of garbage. Single-use diapers represent between 2% to 4% of solid waste in our nation's landfills and the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from landfills are major contributors to Global Warming. It takes up to 500 years for a single-use diaper to decompose. That means every disposable diaper ever made is still in a landfill somewhere!"
That hurts, it really does. I know I have used my share of disposable diapers. If I had it to do over, would I do it differently? I like to think I would. I'm so glad that she's starting off on the right foot. She will put the environment & her kids tushy first! Great job, girl!
And then here's an earth-shattering mind-blowing image that might make you think about your commute:
photo credit: Flickr - Weisheng
The amount of space used to transport one person by car, by bus, and by bike. Explains a lot, doesn't it?
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