Charlie's 4. I just can't believe it.
We had a family dinner together last night (pancakes, that's what the birthday boy chose), then we went to see the movie UP.
It's a great movie, I can recommend it for any age. But curiously, Charlie would have rather been home watching the movie on our TV. And it's not a super-huge TV with crazy blow-you-hair-out audio sound. It's just a 'regular' TV. But if you compare the picture I watched in my living room when I was a kid to the picture that our children today get to enjoy...they're worlds apart.
It does make you wonder if going to the movies may be losing it's charm. For me, certainly not. It's always an event to go OUT to see a movie. But for my four year old, he can't quite see the draw, yet.
So, now the joy of the movies must be taught?